Chordia APP
Do not hesitate to send your comments, suggestions or bugs! You can also contribute to the translation of the application into languages others than those currently supported. And if you enjoy Chordia, evaluate application on Google Play! ;-)
Chordia is a free application, supported by Diato Trad, a diatonic association in Nanterre, France.
Version history:
1.0, December 2013: First version of the application, it provides you with a function for finding treble chords along with a function for editing treble keyboard. Other versions will follow, especially a function for finding composed bass chords, a function for showing different scales on treble keyboard, and much more!
1.1, February 2015: Second version of the application, it provides you with functions for finding treble and composed bass chords, along with functions for editing treble and bass keyboards, and a function for showing different scales on treble keyboard.
1.1a, April 2015: For keyboard import function, allows application to read SD Card explicitly as required from android KitKat (4.4).
1.2, August 2015: Third version of the application with sound at last!
1.2a, September 2019: Solved compatibility issues with latest android versions.