Orientation Guide Transport-Logistics, CRAFTS & (CAP to +6)

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Jul 7, 2020
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Choisis ton avenir APP

Looking for a training before the baccalaureate, continue your studies, change your career path? Discover the Transport and Logistics sector!

Choose your future in Transport-Logistics, free application and without advertising, is the key of your information for a relevant orientation on the opportunities of the Transport-Logistics sector. Discover the trades of the sector, identify all certified courses full-time and alternately and locate the training locations, located throughout France.

Main Features :
- Visualize the key information of more than 40 trades in Transport-Logistics
- Search for one or more training courses among all those certified in Transport-Logistics accessible full-time, alternately, with the VAE or the CPF
- Identify the course or courses to choose from, on a map or by list, according to many criteria and discover their content (prerequisite, program, institutions)
- Contact the training organization that dispenses them directly via your phone
- Keep trades, trainings, addresses corresponding to your needs in your favorites
- Contact by email an adviser Orientation of your department for more information on your research

Choose your Future, a guide to inform you and guide you in the world of Transport-Logistics:

> According to your interests
With the heading "Trades", find quickly the trades in Transport-Logistics that suit you according to a specific field of activities and / or according to your interests.

> According to your profile
Choose your Future also offers you through a complete search engine all offers of certified training, full-time or alternating, CAP level Bac + 6 in the Transport-Logistics sector.

You can thus determine which training is the most appropriate according to your choices, your situation or your geographical location: simple of use, enter in the heading "Training" a title of training or a type of training (Bac, CAP, BTS, license , Professional title, etc.) that you are looking for. Other criteria are at your disposal: level of the training (Before bac, Bac + 2 to Bac + 6), type of certification (certified title, professional title, license ....), Mode of formation (full time, apprenticeship, professionalisation, alternation ...). You can also specify your search by indicating a location or activate geolocation.
Validate and let the Choose Your Future app find the best results for you. You can then choose the most interesting formation or formations for you in list mode or located directly on a map of France. Then find out the key information of each course and identify all the training organizations (training centers, apprenticeships, schools, vocational schools, universities, etc.) providing the selected curriculum.

> According to your geographical criteria
Via the heading "Addresses", locate directly on a map or list, all the training centers closest to you, with their contact information (mail, phone, website) and the list of all courses offered by training center.

Choose your Future, an application to help you in your career in Transport-Logistics.

The application Choose Your Future in Transport-Logistics is the official application of the AFT "Association for the development of vocational training in Transport and Logistics".
It was created with the co-financing of the apprenticeship tax collected by OPCA Transports et Services and in partnership with the Ministry of National Education.

Choose your Future is the complementary application of the website: www.choisis-ton-avenir.com

Questions, a problem, a comment? Write to us at choisistonavenir@aft-dev.com
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