Chinese Chess GAME
6 people to play against in Chinese Chess:
- A Lucky Child (easy): He is just 9 years old.
- Pretty Girl (medium): She is beautiful, smart, and 20 years old.
- Gentleman (hard): He is handsome and 39 years old.
- Master (very hard): He is old, he is the master. You must have patience to play with him.
- Grand Master (nightmare): He is very old, and excellent at Chinese Chess.
- Genius (legendary): The strongest opponent, challenge him if you are the best.
Special Features only in Chinese Chess:
- Endgame mode, puzzle with Chinese Chess.
- Sacrifice mode: excellent for studying.
- Create your own puzzle: Create, load and save your own puzzle.
- Unlimited undo.
- Play with a Chinese or Western set.
- Play as Western piece with Hanzi.
- See all the possible and impossible moves when selecting a piece.
- Drag and Drop supported.
- Amazing UI with excellent graphics.
- Great animation.
- Great moving effect.
- Pretty sound and music.
- Sign in and view leaderboard.
Have fun playing Chinese Chess!