The “Chemistry in Everyday Life” app provides general information on chemicals

Latest Version

Nov 4, 2024
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Chemie im Alltag APP

The “Chemistry in Everyday Life” app provides general information on chemicals in everyday products and provides information on potential health hazards and legal classifications of chemicals. It offers chemical substance data for the general public.
The data content, especially with regard to health information, is still under construction and is constantly being expanded.
The chemistry in everyday life app is based on the database of the "ChemInfo" system, which is operated and maintained by the federal-state cooperation project "Information system chemicals of the federal government and the states".
In the app, information on around 100,000 substances can be searched for and found intuitively using different tiles. You will find, among other things, molecular formulas, information on the state of aggregation, the nature of the substance and boiling and freezing points. In addition, possible uses and health hazards are indicated and reference is made to legal regulations that contain the substance in question.
Various search interfaces can be used to search for certain chemicals using sum formulas, E numbers or substance names, among other things. You can also find out what information is hidden behind the orange warning sign. These warning signs can be found on trucks that transport heating oil, for example. The app is also equipped with a barcode scanner that can be used to scan the EAN codes of products. This means that the ingredients are displayed directly in the app. No complicated chemical names have to be entered, but can be selected directly from the ingredient list to call up more detailed information.
Further information on CiAapp and the ChemInfo project can be found at:
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