Chaipang Chinese APP
(1) No need to memorize Chinese characters and tones
• Has your child studied Chinese for a long time without being able to speak it?
• Does your child find Chinese difficult to learn?
• Are your children overwhelmed with English spelling?
☆ Learn tricky Chinese tones using the 'Do, Re, Mi, Fa, Sol, La, Ti, Do' scale.
☆ Speak Chinese without studying characters.
(2) Mastering Tones and Pronunciation Through Songs
• Is your child struggling with Chinese tones?
☆ Enjoy special songs developed and composed by Chaipang Chinese.
☆ Sing along to the song and mirror the pitch changes in your spoken Chinese to accurately reflect the tones.
(3) Enhancing Tones and Pronunciation Through Games
☆ Enjoy special games developed by Chaipang Chinese.
☆ Apply challenging tones with musical scales.
☆ Like playing a piano, pressing notes helps naturally improve your pronunciation and tones.
(4) Four lessons per chapter! Apply commonly used expressions in four familiar settings.
• Are there too many Chinese vocabulary words to learn?
☆ Start with words children frequently use in their native language.
☆ Focus on children's daily environments: home, school, park, and supermarket.
☆ We use common expressions in various situations so our children can confidently apply their knowledge.
(5) Enjoy four mini-games at the amusement park
• Perfect for kids who want to play and parents who seek educational value!
☆ Fun for children and effective for parents.
☆ Playing games reinforces the Chinese learned in lessons.
2. How to Enjoy Chaipang Chinese with Chaipang Friends!
(1) Choose a language.
(2) Enjoy the exciting opening song.
(3) Select a level.
(4) Select a character.
(5) Select a chapter.
(6) Tour a village.
(7) Watch animation lectures.
(8) Review with the game.
(9) Learn Chinese tones with musical notes.
(10) Sing along with the Chinese tones song.
(11) Go back to the beginning and review.
☆ Tip! Changing characters and language settings keeps revisions engaging.
3. Contact us
If you have any questions, please contact us using the information below:
• Tel: +82-2-508-0710
• Support Email:
• Developer Email: