CGE Apping APP
Mobile Application Operations:
1. Purchase - In the dashboard, all the records can be seen in detail after fetched from the server through an API. These records are filtered based on their status like confirmed, closed or draft. Another important part is the form to upload a new purchase record with the same fields which will be uploaded to the server on being submitted using another API. Managers can additionally validate a particular purchase record.
2. Expenses - In the dashboard, all the records can be seen in details after fetched from the server through an API. These records are filtered based on their status like approved, paid, or rejected. Another important part is the form to upload a new expense record with the same fields which will be uploaded to the server on being submitted using another API. Managers can additionally approve/reject a particular expense record.
3. Inventory - Through this module, we have provided the functionality that all the things included in the inventory like delivery and receiving orders, receipts, etc. could be recorded in an organised manner. Managers can additionally validate a particular inventory record.