With the CGClaimsApp you report CarGarantie claims easily and quickly.

Latest Version

Oct 20, 2023

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CGClaimsApp APP

With CGClaimsApp, you can report CarGarantie your claims easily and quickly with just a few clicks.
Entering a new claim is easy and user-friendly. In addition, almost all functions are available to you, which you also know from the normal CGClaimsWeb. If all details are complete, the damage CarGarantie can be reported directly. You will receive the response to the claim within a few minutes so that you can immediately discuss all the details of the repair with your customer.

COMPETENT, FAIR, SERVICE-ORIENTED: With almost 50 years of experience, CG Car-Garantie Versicherungs-AG is one of the leading warranty specialists. The company, which now operates internationally in 19 countries, offers qualified specialist dealers warranty and customer loyalty programs for used and new cars as well as for motorcycles and e-bikes. With more than 2.1 million guarantee contracts in stock and more than 23,000 contract partners, CarGarantie is one of the most experienced specialist insurers in Europe.
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