Cengage Digital APP
Cengage Digital app has undergone a significant upgrade!
We have enhanced the app with more intuitive features and a simplified user experience, making it even more user-friendly for our customers to access and engage with our digital content.
With the upgraded Cengage Digital app, you can expect:
• Updated User Interface: The app's user interface has been refreshed to align with the latest Cengage brand guidelines, providing a modern and cohesive look.
• Guest Access: Users now have the ability to browse the catalog as guests.
• Simplified Sign-Up Process: We have streamlined the sign-up process, making it easier and more efficient for users to get started.
• New sections for latest releases for your ready reference, like, New Releases: Print and New Releases: Digital
• Product Info: Product videos of all the latest releases at your fingertips
• Intuitive Navigation: We have revamped the app's interface to provide a seamless and user-friendly navigation experience. Find your desired content effortlessly and navigate through different sections with ease.
• Enhanced Content Accessibility: App is optimized to ensure that accessing and interacting with our digital content is smoother than ever before. Enjoy a seamless reading experience and take advantage of video resources.
• Diagnostic and Mock Tests: Users can now take diagnostic and mock tests, with graphical representation of test results and a leaderboard to track their performance.
• Student Level analytics capture test level scores, accuracy, attempt rate, and time taken, enabling users to track their progress in detail.
• A FREE For You section, with products available for free redemption to facilitate learning.
• Access eBooks: Download eBooks and access them in offline mode anywhere, anytime.
• Downloadable Resources: Users can now download student resources directly from the app for offline access.
• Digital Content Access: Access your purchased digital content directly within the app. Whether it's eBook, Videos, or supplementary materials, unlock your resources effortlessly to support your learning goals.
• Redeem Digital Content: Seamlessly BUY and Redeem your digital content by entering a unique key within the app. Gain instant access to your purchased materials and enhance your study experience with just a few clicks in My Library.
Embark on a journey towards academic excellence with Cengage Digital. Download now and unlock a world of educational possibilities at your fingertips.
To download and install specific platform version of Cengage Digital, please visit https://www.cengage.co.in/cengagedigital
These are just a few of the many exciting features and improvements in the upgraded app. To experience these changes, please update your Cengage Digital app to the latest version.