Cek Ongkir Semua Kurir APP
Check Receipt allows you to track the whereabouts of your goods so that they are easy to track and all for free using our application.
Feature :
- Postage counter up to district level
-Listed all cities and districts in Indonesia
- Check receipt is easier with barcode
- Check International Postage
Courier Support:
- Check Postage: Jne, Tiki, Pos Indonesia, Rpx, Esl, Pcp, Pandu, Wahana, Sicepat, J&T, Pahala, Cahaya, Sap, Jet, Indah, Dse, Slis, First, Ncs, Star, Rex, lion, Idl ,Ninja,JTL,AnterAja
- Check receipts: Jne, Tiki, Pos Indonesia, Rpx, Pcp, Wahana, Sicepat, J&T, Sap, Jet, Dse, First, Rex lion, Idl, Ninja, JTL, AnterAja
*Application requires internet connection