simplify the gathering of real-time data: text entry, check boxes, photos, audios, videos, Near Field
Communication Reader (NFC), voice recording, GPS, automatic alert messages. Each health worker has
a secure user authentication to access the application. Women are identified with a unique identifier
(UID) generated by the application, then transcribed in encrypted form into an NFC card. The NFC card
is given to every woman during her first visit to allow data retrieval during the subsequent visits. In case
the NFC card is not available, data can also be obtained manually using the patient’s personal details. An
incorporated GPS system allows the detection of the visit’s location, moreover all the villages within the
researched area are listed in the application to be selected during the visit. At the end of the visits, data is
saved in the smartphone to be sent, as soon as phone coverage is available, to the server and
automatically downloaded to a clinical computerized database.