CBuddy APP
Global organizations and individuals are working to improve the understanding and awareness of mental health. Person seeking for mental health, expects from those they trust most with their sometimes fragile sense of self — mental health practitioners.
The primary responsibility of the mental health practitioner is to respect the dignity and integrity of the client. Mental health counselors should be aware of their influential position with respect to their clients, and avoid exploiting the trust and fostering dependency of their clients.
At times, it’s hard enough to get to therapy when it is needed as either we hesitate to step out of our room/house and meet the professional in clinic or we are not sure if it would be fruitful to invest time & money. This can make many people quit.
CBuddy App is an online consultation service that helps patients, when they choose to talk to a mental health professional. The professionals with the CBuddy App are Patient Listener, Empathetic, Humane, Forthright, Respectful and Thorough. The professionals have ethical behavior, maintains confidentiality and emergency protocols, provide clear indication if they don’t specialize in your issue. They provide the recommendations which best fit in your interest. Patients do not feel worse, judged, shamed or emotionally unsafe after the session.
CBuddy App connects you virtually through phone call or video call with the Psychologists & Therapists while being anywhere and at anytime at a much lower fees.