CBT Situbondo APP
CBT Situbondo is an application created and developed by the Education and Culture Office of Situbondo Regency. This application is a LINE application / test provided by the Education and Culture Office of Situbondo Regency.
The users of this application are the Education and Culture Office of Situbondo Regency and / or educational institutions that are under the auspices of the Education and Culture Office of Situbondo Regency, especially the junior secondary education / SMP level, which is in the Situbondo Regency area.
Stitubondo CBT consists of 2 Environments, namely:
• Online / Internet exams and
• Offline / Intranet exams
The two environments have more or less the same features and functions, only differentiated in the scope of use, namely the Internet and Intranet, while the features in the Situbondo CBT application consist of:
1. User Login
2. Select the Test Type
• Try Out Exam
• PAS / USBN exam
• Independent Examination
• Daily exams
• School exams
• Service Examination
Is a test for the benefit of the Education and Culture Office of Situbondo district
3. Exam History
4. User Details
Contact us :
Education and Culture Office of Situbondo Regency -
Jl. Madura No. 55A Situbondo, East Java - Indonesia
Code: Postal 68322
Phone: + 62-338-671120
Fax: + 62-338-670866
E-Mail: admin@dispendik.situbondokab.go.id
Website: https://dispendik.situbondokab.go.id/