This gives comprehensive information on cashew for various stakeholders in India

Latest Version

Feb 17, 2023
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Cashew India APP

The app is developed by Dr. Mohana, G.S and his team at the ICAR-Directorate of Cashew Research, Puttur, Karnataka state , India with the inputs from centers of All India Coordinated Research Project on Cashew in different states of the country. The app is developed under the program on Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH), Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, Government of India. The financial support was provided through Directorate of Cashew and Cocoa Development (DCCD), Cochin, Kerala.

The app is built with following unique features

1) It gives comprehensive information on cashew grafts, nursery, cultivation, plant protection, post harvest processing, market information, e-market, various stakeholders such as farmers, researchers, developmental agencies, processors at one place.

2) Farmer/User can upload and store his own cashew images and videos in “My cashew” sub-section of ‘Cultivation” section. It is also possible to record the expenditure, observations and data of the cashew farm.

3) It is possible to place order for planting material online in ‘Planting Material” section from the research stations in your state

4) You can give your buy/sell requirements in ‘Market info” section

5) The app is developed for 10 states of India such as Gujarat, Maharastra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh, Orissa, West Bengal and Meghalaya

6) The app is in 11 languages i.e. Hindi, English, Gujarati, Marathi, Kannada, Malayalam, Tamil, Telugu, Oria, Bengali and Garo

7) Farmer/ User can contact experts through “Ask Expert” section

8) Real time chatting is possible in ’Chat Room’ with the users who are using app at a given point of time

9) E-speak button enables the app to read text for you in different sections
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