Cartograph Map Viewer APP
## Features
- View offline and online maps (slippy tiles and WMS/Web Map Services based on WG84/EPSG-4326/900913).
- Support for Mapsforge (0.6) offline vector maps and Mapsforge themes (V4, including customized style layering).
- MBTiles, and rmap (Locus) offline raster maps.
- GPS tracking (including USB-to-serial and Bluetooth-to-serial GPS mice).
- Support for Bluetooth 4 BLE heart frequency and cadence devices (for instance Polar H7 belt).
- Customizable trip computer.
- Support for 2nd map layer which can be used for overlay maps (e.g. OpenSeaMap), hillshading, etc.
- Support for metric, imperial, and nautic units.
- Text-, photo-, and audio- waypoints.
- Show multiple tracks at the same time.
- Simple chart, statistics, distance measurements.
## Pro features
- Online route and address search.
- Mapsforge multi-maps (combine multiple maps into a single one, e.g. around country borders).
- A 3D view gives a 3D snapshot of the current location.
- Experimental (!) support for offline hill shading based on Nasa SRTM elevation data.
- Support for offline overlays (drinking water sources, restaurants, supermarkets, hostels, custom overlays).
- Basic track drawing and editing feature.
- Live tracking: send your current location to a custom webserver* via HTTP GET or GPSies service.
- Live polling: poll other users' location from a custom webserver* via HTTP GET and show it in the map.
*The webserver implementation is not part of the Cartograph app!