Carrefour Tunisie APP
1) Discover the best promotions in the catalog!
Discover all the current Carrefour, Carrefour Market and Carrefour Express catalogs to take advantage of good deals and promotions and save money all year round.
2) Take full advantage of your loyalty benefits!
Stock up on benefits and discounts on your daily groceries. Edit your Cash Tickets, check your Loyalty balance at any time, and recharge your phone all year round ... Present them directly at the cash desk on your mobile and you're done!
3) Find all the information on the stores thanks to geolocation!
Easily locate hypermarkets, supermarkets and convenience stores around you and check the store opening hours that are right for you.
4) Contact us!
A comment, a question, a suggestion?
Do not hesitate to leave us your request on Facebook or Instagram or directly on the mobile aplli. We will take care of you!
5) Easily manage your shopping lists!
Edit your memo lists and add whatever you have.
Also save your favorite lists to save time.
Discover the Carrefour application now!