Family Friendly Radio Stream featuring Original Contemporary Inspirational Music

Latest Version

Sep 26, 2018
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Carol Fisher Network APP

Hundreds of songs by Singer Songwriter & Radio Personality Carol Fisher including contemporary & catchy arrangements of the 150 Psalms so we can pray without ceasing in joyful song. Carol has integrated Catholic Prayers, Scriptures, Teachings from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the dignity of the human person, Christian & human virtues, in contemporary original songs with a variety of music styles, enjoyed by ages 9 mos to 90 years! Now broadcasting Carol’s music 24/7 at On demand, find a daily radio program with something for the Whole Family! Positive. Uplifting. Talk. Music. Highlighting the Good that is Quietly Lived Daily by Many in every Walk of Life! “Finally,...your thoughts should be wholly directed to all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable, decent, virtuous...” Phil 4:8 The Global Carol Fisher Network, contributing to... A Culture of Life. A Civilization of Love. The Dignity of the Human Person
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