First app based on collaborative recharging between electric car users.

Latest Version

Sep 29, 2021
Google Play ID

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CargaTuCoche Carga Colaborativ APP

The future of electric vehicle charging is sharing. With Cargatucoche it is no longer necessary to have a parking space and a charging point on your property, you can use the charging points of other users and charge your electric vehicle whenever you need it. If you own a charging point, you can rent it whenever you want and earn extra money by sharing and helping to promote electric mobility.

I want to share my charging point:
- Rent your charging point when you are not using it.
- Earn extra money with which you can make the investment in the installation profitable.
- Help other users and break the barriers of electric mobility.

I want to charge my electric vehicle
- Find a convenient charging point.
- Reserve instantly or a specific day.
- Your car charged whenever you need it.
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