CareCall APP
CareCall is designed to keep you connected with your family and friends when they are receiving medical care or living in a long-term care facility. The app interfaces with managed TVs, bedside terminals, or tablets provided by the care organization.
Key Features:
• Simple Video Calls: Effortless video calling with loved ones in care
• Invite only: Secure, invitation-based authentication
• No password: simple email login
How it Works:
1. Download the CareCall app.
2. Open the email invitation on the same device to activate the service.
Benefits: Stay emotionally connected with your hospitalized loved ones, enhancing their quality of life and emotional well-being. Research shows active social interactions can improve patient health outcomes and overall well-being.
Recommendations: We recommend CareCall if you are a significant contact for a patient in a facility using our managed services. If your healthcare provider doesn’t use our service, please refer them to our website,
• Managed Contacts: Only the healthcare facility can invite you to use the app.
• Specific Use-Case: Designed for calls between the app and managed devices in healthcare situations.
• Availability: Please respect treatment schedules.
Accessibility: Our user-friendly design prioritizes large text and minimal functionality, aligning with EU accessibility standards.
Support & Feedback: report technical issues to the care organization that operates the service.
Updates: Features will be developed based on healthcare organization priorities. Individual feature requests are not processed.
Compatibility: Android 8 and newer, iOS 16, 17, and newer
Data Privacy: We adhere to EU GDPR regulations. No personal data is shared, and collected data is used solely for service improvement. See our full privacy policy at
Terms & Conditions: By using this app, you agree to its terms and conditions, listed at