Discover the cheapest petrol, diesel, methane, lpg distributors nearby

Latest Version

Jan 20, 2025
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Carburanti APP

The new app to discover the cheapest petrol, diesel, methane, lpg and more nearby stations.

How does the Fuels app work?
📍 Carburanti uses the open data system made available by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure to obtain data on distributors. This system allows you to have more up-to-date and accurate information on the prices and positions of the distributors.

What can you do with the Fuels app?
🧭 Thanks to the free navigation on the map, you can consult the prices of the petrol stations in your vicinity using the geolocation.
🔍 With the search function you can search for a location and consult the prices of petrol, diesel, lpg, methane and gas directly on the map
⭐ If you are a regular customer, you will have the possibility to add your reference gas station to your favorites
📊 With the list view, you can consult the prices of your favorite fuels by sorting the results by distance or by price
💰 By opening the detail of a service station, you will be able to consult the prices per self and served, so as to be able to evaluate well in advance if the distributor is right for us
🕶️ Fuels supports dark mode to improve the user experience on operating systems that make use of this feature

⛽ Carburanti indexes the data of the most popular distributors and both white pumps such as Agip Eni, Api-Ip, Pompe Bianche, Q8, Esso, Tamoil, Europam, Retitalia, Total Erg, Giap, KEROPETROL, Repsol, San Marco Petroli, Beyfin, Energas, Costantin, Ego, Vega, Loro, Enerpetroli, Sia fuel, Petrol Gamma, Oil Italia, CONAD, Aquila, Sarni Oil, Sommese Petroli, Toil, Lukoil, Enercoop, EOS, GNP, SP Energia Siciliana, ICM, Kerotris, Sicilpetroli , Dill s, DIS-CAR, Petrol Company, Menga petroli, Socogas, BC, DBCarburanti, Ala, Nobile Oil, Simonetti Petroli, AF Petroli, Itala Petroli, Major, Auchan, COIL, Noaloil, AP, Camer, Edra Oil, Energyca , Fiamma 2000, Italiana Carburanti, Acton1Q, Fast fuel group, OIL ONE, Bertelli Carburanti, GO, Ies, 7sette, Benza, bpetrol, TTP, Bianco Carburanti, Piccini Fuels, Adamo Idrocarburi, Iblea Petroli, Natural Gas, Beneco, Edison metano , Gep carburanti, Iper Station, MyOil, ACI, Carrefour, Firmin, FulgorOil, Kostner, PetrolPicena, Bogoni, Economy, Ernesto Rondini, Ma cMarchettiCarburanti, Moro, PM, 357, ALIFUEL, Cancellieri carburanti, Eco Fuel, Economysrl, FGS, Gaffoil, GAN, GasAuto, SACED

✉️ For information, bug reports and assistance, you can write to us at
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