Car Finder APP
Car Finder, the perfect companion for buying a used car, is waiting for you. Buying a used car is a big decision, and we want to help you make it more thoughtful and confident.
With Car Finder:
🔍 Check for flooded cars: we give you a checklist to see if a car is flooded.
📋 Inspect a car for sale: we give you a checklist to see if it's a good used car.
📸 Attach photos: Forgot what the car you just saw looks like? Attach a photo from your gallery and see it again!
💬 Car information: We'll give you the basics on when to check your car's supplies, what the difference is between a frame and a shell, and more.
With Car Finder, you'll never have to worry about buying a used car again!
Download it now and get started! 🌟🚙💼"
[Minimum supported app version: 1.0.0]