CallPay APP
outgoing calls on your device.
The application uses the community data to generated content and has
features of caller identification, call blocking, flash messaging etc. other
than the basic ability of making or receiving calls. It requires the user to
provide basic information like Name, mobile number, e-mail id, location, date
of birth, Pin Code and gender to register.
Once registered, the user has to give a default permission to the application
for managing calls and allow access to contacts list and send flash messages.
It does not collect any passwords or access any Credit Card information.
There are over 750 million smartphone users in India. All of these users are
target clients for some or the other company. From wanting to sell a 1-rupee
mouth freshener to a car worth million, every brand wants to connect with
their customer directly, in the cheapest possible manner.
CallPay aims to build an effective Digital Marketing Platform, which will help
brands to market their product with AI enabled marketing campaigns. We
aim to bring down branding expenses of companies by replacing expensive
hoarding, newspaper ads and even newspaper inserts by bringing the
branding on the screen of every individual’s smartphone. In other words, we
would be renting the User’s smartphone screen for branding.
The application is launched currently for Android in over 700 cities in India
and aims to reach a user base of over 1 million in the FY 2023-2024.