Cálculo del Factor de Forma APP
In order for a specific laminated steel profile to receive the highest classification of R, and therefore maintain its mechanical properties in the event of a fire, it must be protected by coating it with reduced thermal conductivity insulation materials that are fire-resistant, as is the case with the products PLACO Igniver and PPF plates.
The thickness in mm required for coating the selected metal profile can be determined in five simple steps:
1- Material requiring protection – Plaster or Plate
2- Type of profile
3- Length of profile
4- Type of protection – 4 faces, 3 faces, 2 faces or 1 face
5- Required R level – Resistance to fire in minutes
Once the results are calculated, you will be provided with a summary of the variables which is ready for sending to anyone you wish to contact by e-mail.
PLACO’s Tool for Form Factor Calculation is the first such mobile application available in the Spanish market.
Placo’s form factor application performs its calculations on the basis of the technical specifications of the products Igniver (mortar with a plaster base) and PPF plates (plates of laminated plaster).