Calculations, Calculators, Simulators and Simulators with approximate and exact value

Latest Version

Feb 17, 2022
Google Play ID


Several Calculations, Calculators, Simulators and Simulates in a single app. Depending on the calculation, the result can be approximate or exact.


13th Salary Calculation - Calculating Proportional Thirteenth is easy and fast, calculate and learn how to calculate

Vacation Calculation - Calculates the value of CLT Vacations; teaches calculate. Calculate Vacation Sales, Proportional Vacations, Group Vacations on our free calculator

FGTS Calculation - Tool that performs the approximate calculation of the FGTS, Guarantee Fund for the employee's length of service

INSS Calculation - Tool that calculates INSS discount, contribution, learn how to calculate INSS

IRRF Calculation - Calculates the IRRF withheld on payroll and teaches how to calculate

Termination Calculation - Calculate the values ​​of the termination of employment contract and get the exact calculation of your labor agreement using our calculator

Net Salary Calculation - Calculator discounts automatic INSS and IRRF and it is possible to calculate net salary by entering other discounts

Unemployment Insurance Calculation - Calculates unemployment insurance installments with the new rules


Date calculator - Counter of days, months, weeks, hours and minutes between two dates

Day counter - Tool that counts working and calendar days with and without holidays, adds or subtracts days from a date and informs which day of the week falls or falls


Percentage Calculator - Tool to calculate percentage, find out what percentage of a value is simple

Interest Calculator, Financing and Loan Simulator with fixed installments, interest - Calculate

Compound Interest Calculator, Calculate in our Simulator with calculation formula and examples of how to calculate

Simple Interest Calculator, Simulator with calculation formula and examples of how to calculate

Easy-to-use Financial Calculator that can calculate financing interest rate, future value, financing installment, present value. Calculate even if you haven't used a Financial Calculator yet

Rent Adjustment Calculation - Tool that calculates the annual Rent Adjustment by the selected index and by the IGP-M, IGP-DI, IPCA and INPC with graphical analysis

Personal Loan Simulator - Simulate Personal Loan Free

Car Financing Simulator - Car Financing Simulate, Free Automobile


Detran Simulation - Prepare for the Theoretical Test, do our simulation, test your knowledge


Calculate Ideal BMI Calculator, learn how to calculate BMI with easy formula, calculate by age

Gestational Calculator, Pregnancy - Tool to calculate pregnancy, date of birth of the baby, explains how the gestational calculation is done and informs what the baby's sign will be


Barbecue Calculator - Calculate the amount of meat per person for your barbecue for free - Calculator for your party, how to calculate a barbecue.
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