CACVT Spring Conference APP
New in 2024!
RECOVER Rescuer Certifications Friday and Saturday
Solidify your presentation skills with Michelle Albino on Saturday
To stay up to date throughout the conference and have easy access to all the information, download the app today!
• Compete with fellow Attendees for the top spot on the Leaderboard by participating in the Activity Feed, completing Surveys and more
• Connect with friends and colleagues throughout the Conference
• View the Agenda for special events, sessions and social hours
• Check out Exhibitor profiles before stepping into the Exhibit Hall
• Recognize our sponsors who have generously contributed to this year's event
• View Maps to help you get around at the Conference
Established in 1976, CACVT upholds the highest eligibility and maintenance standards for credentialed veterinary technicians nationwide. CACVT is governed by a board of directors, made up of and elected by members. The board acts in the best interest of the association and its constituents and provides strategic direction for the association.