Capillary schedule and identification of products agreed for Low and No Poo.

Latest Version

Feb 24, 2018
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CabeloPoo APP

Full Capillary Schedule!

The CabeloPoo is application will make your life a lot easier when buying hair products. That's because it reads the bar code of the product and tells you if it's agreed for Low and No Poo. Of course not all the products in the world are registered in the app, but you can inform the products to be analyzed and then validated, in addition to being able to consult the substances that are prohibited for the techniques. You can even browse among the categories: shampoo, conditioner, mask, gel, combing cream, No Poo, Low Poo and banned.

Main application functions:

* Create your Hair Chart.
* Discover products released for Low and No Poo through the barcode.
* Share homemade recipes.
* Create your transition album.
* Evaluate products and help the community.
* Classification of masks in hydration, nutrition and restoration.
* Register products and contribute to our database.
* Search for products by name or brand.

Note: LowPoo and NoPoo are hair techniques created by hairdresser Lorraine Massey, who try to eliminate as much as possible the use of aggressive substances to hair such as Petrolatos, Sulphates and Mineral Oils.
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