Increases the billing of your business with the customers opinion and email

Latest Version

May 4, 2015
Google Play ID

App APKs

Byom Satisfaction APP

Byom! Satisfaction is the most effective way To know the opinion of your clientbefore he leaves your store. Besides his opinion, get your email and comments for improvement.

Increase your revenue by sending automatic email marketing campaigns related to the level of satisfaction of your customers and where you can invite them to visit you again.

Also, If you have a profile on TripAdvisor, increases your opinions, automatically sending an email to customers who send their opinions using Byom! Satisfaction.

With Byom! Satisfaction, gets an average of 200 opinions per month per store, more than any service of obtaining opinions in the world.

Use Byom! Satisfaction in any of your Android devices or with Byom! device (With full insurance included)

Our Customers:

"It is a modern and agile for getting feedback from our customers. We have detected and corrected punctual service deficiencies, which otherwise would not detected because the staff had not been aware of it or had not informed" Ignacio Cecilia - Owner Pizzerias Straperlo

"It's an extra worker. We have improved aspects of our restaurant where we thought that the client did not need " Enrique Espinar. - Manager Taperia Hispania
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