Buzzer APP
Buzzer is designed with focus on five fundamental principles, Decentralised Authority, Reward Users, Guarantee Data Privacy & Security and Eliminate Censorship with Trust as the overarching principle to build user confidence and deliver a memorable user experience.
Users of social platforms have contributed immensely to the adoption at different levels of engagement by uploading creative contents, historical moments, breaking news, photos, articles etc without due reward and credits from the centralised platforms for their contributions.
Buzzer has a robust reward mechanism aimed at changing the culture, giving users the opportunity to be rewarded by other users and the whole community.
Buzzer delivers true decentralization of control and governance into the hands of users, guarantee the security of network and user data, deliver better user experience and network performance whilst encouraging all users (casual or advance) to participate, contribute and benefit from the decentralised network through messaging, networking with friends and family, content creation, recommendation, learning and earn QBITs.
Current Buzzer Features:
These features have already been implemented in Buzzer, it gives users a unique and friendly social network platform.
Microblogs – post, reply, like, dislike, repost etc
Users can post status or contents, repost, comment on posts, reply to other users and like/dislike posts/contents on Buzzer.
Donation and tips
With Qbit the social currency of Buzzer, users can donate/tip/send/receive Qbit to other users with the receiver’s user ID/name or Qbit coin address.
Trust score – User recommendation using trust score model
Trust Score model is a powerful mathematical tool in a decentralised app, the feature allows users to show trust in the contents posted by a user. The community can also mistrust users, the model is designed to support complete decentralisation and put control in the hands of the community.
Secret personal chats (with end-to-end encryption)
Users can initiate a secret chat with other users with chats protected by end to end encryption by the Buzzer network for maximum security and peace of mind.
Cryptocurrency wallet management
The wallet is fully decentralised, allowing users to manage their Qbit (social currency) independent of a 3rd party/custodian. Full decentralization is achieved and support for more cryptocurrency coins will be added in future releases with the ability to instantly exchange them to Qbits.
Content contributions/activities on Buzzer can be rewarded by other users through tips and donations. Users can also earn from watching sponsored adverts through subscriptions or repost of advert.
Participate as a Node, Full-node and Miner
Interested users can participate and earn Qbits from the decentralised network as nodes and earn Qbits.
*The vision for a truly unique Buzzer with many features needs development, this continuous development will deliver planned features and guarantee the addition of future features to Buzzer.