Business Model Canvas PRO APP
• A complete view of your digital business model canvas template at once in full screen
• An easy drag and drop system to speed up your model's time conception
• Fantastic designed post notes, with various colors and rounded borders
• Unique 2-hand landscape experience for an even faster model brainstorm!
• Examples of famous models of other sucessfull companies
• Tips for those new to the BMC tool, with all field descriptions, such as customer relantionship, key activities and revenue streams
• No scrolling bars! Yes, you can simultaneously check info on every part of the canvas
• Language selection: For now in english, spanish and portuguese (ESP,PT,ENG)
• Sharing system. Send you model with 1 click by email, whatsapp or other means to your colleges or co-workers
This app is beneficial to:
• Small beginner business man and business woman
• Employes of a 'project creation' job that demands constant digital business model planning and viability study frequency
• Curious entrepreneurs that wish to understand how a model creation for their project would look like
• Company owners that need to present and sell new digital business models to various clients
• New entrepreneurs that need a quick 'at-hand-reach' model creation tool
With business model canvas PRO, you can plan and calculate the viability of your new product or service for software implementation or a case study of any other physical product. Before planning your marketing strategy it's always good to have an overall idea that your digital business goal is complete in fields that matter, such as value propositions, key activities, customer segments and revenue streams. The competition economy demands you bring value and a diferential factor to your new business, for example starting a freemium product and stablishing your suplier in advance to your competition.