Busca Placas APP
With Busca Plates, you can discover essential details of a vehicle, such as make, model, year of manufacture, color, and much more. Access a complete view of vehicle history to make informed decisions.
Have the values of the Fipe Table at your disposal. With our search function, consult the updated values for the vehicle of interest. Buy or sell with confidence knowing the market value.
We put user protection first. We strictly follow LGPD guidelines, masking sensitive data to ensure the safety of all users.
Investigate crucial details such as chassis and Renavam to verify vehicle authenticity. Also have access to information about fines, auction history and the existence of encumbrances. Avoid unwanted surprises with Search Plates.
Our application has an intuitive and simple interface, designed to be used by everyone, regardless of technical knowledge. The information is presented in a clear and organized way, for a stress-free vehicle consultation.
Avoid unnecessary risks! Download Search Plates now and have full control over your vehicle-related decisions. Ensure a transparent and reliable experience when dealing with automobiles.