Bulk SMS - HRsoftBD is for sending bulk sms through bangladeshi network.

Latest Version

Jul 9, 2023
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Bulk SMS - HRsoftBD APP

BULK SMS - HRsoftbd is a service of sending SMS for business/marketing/robotic SMS etc. We are Web Based Bulk SMS Gateway Provider. Provides Best in Class Support & Services. We provides SMS API for Application Developers.
Special Fair Pricing for Corporate Users.
Without Username and Password no one can access this system. To register you have to contact with HRsoftBD (01722158130, 01834014071)

Feature of this app::

1. BANGLA, English SMS sending.
2. Multiple SMS sending.
3. View SMS report/ summery.
4. Different Secure Panel for different user.
5. Each user will have a personal account panel.
6. Each user will be able to see his/her account details with purchase history.
7. Bangla & English both language.

and more more more advantages...

This app Maintained and Powered by HRSOFTBD


Address1: 48, Kazi Nazrul Islam Avenue, Karwan Bazar, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.
Address2: P-7, Nurjahan Road, Mohammadpur, Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Cell: +8801722158130, +8801709372481, +8801709372480, +8801834014071
E-mail: info@hrsoftbd.com
Website: www.hrsoftbd.com
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