Budget Thuis APP
Insight anytime, anywhere
* You can see your monthly consumption and your installment amount on the energy dashboard. We draw up the balance for you. And you can then adjust your installment amount accordingly. This way you can easily downshift if you want to save.
* The costs of your subscription and extra packages can be found on the dashboard for All-in-1. You can also easily switch additional TV packages on and off there.
* On the dashboard for Mobile you can view your made call minutes and data. You can also see when you will receive extra credit again.
Easy and fast
Change your customer data, adjust the installment amount or switch TV packages on or off? You can arrange it easily and quickly via our app. At a place. That is the convenience of everything under one roof.
24/7 service
With our super handy timeline we keep you informed of important moments, such as when an invoice is ready for you. Frequently asked questions and answers can also be found in our app. Just works;)