Bremen City-App APP
Information and events at any time of the day
With the Bremen City app you get exactly the information and tips you need - at any time of the day: in the morning all the latest news from Bremen, at lunchtime suitable restaurant locations for your lunch break and at the end of the day there are concerts, visits to the cinema or exciting ones Going out tips in Bremen.
Our partner companies in Bremen
In the app you will find exclusive offers from our partner companies. These are companies, shops, shops, restaurants, service providers, the self-employed, but above all regional and local partners who offer you special services and benefits in Bremen. With the filter function in the app, you can display companies nearby and find out which shops are now open.
Regional job exchange for Bremen
You are sure to find your dream job in the Bremen City job exchange app. Our partner companies offer you a wide range of jobs in many areas and industries.
Don't miss any news
With the push messages (notifications) function, you will receive exciting information from our partner companies. Don't miss any important news or current job and product offers.
map view
A practical map view in the Bremen City app shows you all the hotspots in the Bremen region at a glance: companies, sights, restaurants, jobs and tourism offices.