Box Arena GAME
You have 3 bonus nodes that may be used. These are acquired with one at random at level one when the game begins (along with extra life as a fourth random possibility. Also at each 15 levels you gain another random bonus. Random bonuses can also be gained by watching reward videos at the end of a successful level completion (internet connection required).
The three bonus nodes are:
-Convert up to 5 special boxes instantly to balls.
-A missile which explodes in the center of the field.
-Bonus time.
The convert node will convert up to 5 of the ball holding boxes into balls no matter how much life is left on the box, removing the box from the field and leaving a ball in it's place
The missile node will explode at ground level in the center of the play field. If done at a certain strategic time you will knock several boxes off the playing field.
Bonus time will double the current time left. If done too late in the game you will not gain much bonus time.
I have had a lot of fun creating this game and have played countless hours testing and tweaking. I hope you find the game as fun as I have.