Bowling Brackets / Sidepots APP
Brackets are a single elimination system based on scores; where players compete directly against each other during league or tournament play. Players are seeded in a particular bracket position, and they play against the person in the next position. The number of games determines the number of players in a bracket.
A typical three-game league consists of eight players per bracket to start.
Brackets now supports In-All feature and Sponsors
There are multiple types of Sidepots that you can run.
High game every game, High nightly game and High nightly series.
Eliminators ('Cut-the-field') where the field/number of players is cut after each game
Love Doubles - Where players get to pick their own partner(s)
Mystery Doubles sidepot where players are paired with another player randomly. There is an option in Mystery Doubles to process the games with an Eliminator ('Cut-the-field') format
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