Online booking of doctor services, Covid-19 tests and laboratories in Bandung

Latest Version

Sep 12, 2023

App APKs

Bona Mitra Keluarga APP

Bona Mitra Keluarga is a private clinic located in Bandung Regency which provides general practitioner, dentistry and independent practice services for pediatricians (pediatrics) and obstetricians (obgyn). The services provided include general practitioners, dentists, childbirth, circumcision, vaccinations, Covid-19 tests, EKG and laboratory examinations (blood checks).

This application is not a Covid-19 contact tracing application. This application provides online booking services for Covid-19 tests (Rapid Antigen, Rapid Antibodies, PCR Swabs and Antibody Titers) under the permission of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia to be carried out specifically at all Bona Mitra Keluarga branches. This application will not announce the results of such tests online or in any other digital form.

In carrying out the PCR Swab test, Bona Mitra Keluarga cooperates with the Diagnostic Laboratory under Bunda Hospital, Jakarta.

The results of the Rapid Antigen and PCR Swab tests carried out at Bona Mitra Keluarga will be reported to the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia so that the data will be updated in your Peduli Protect application.

Founded in August 2016, Bona Mitra Keluarga now has three branches in the Bandung Regency area, namely in Bojongsoang, Baleendah and Jelekong. Bona Mitra Keluarga has also won an achievement as an outstanding Clinic in Bandung Regency in 2018.

In 2019, Bona Mitra Keluarga became the first private clinic in the City and Regency of Bandung to get the Primary Clinic Accreditation. Accreditation is given by an independent institution established in accordance with Permenkes No. 46 of 2015. Clinical accreditation is a quality commitment from clinical management to follow and comply with quality standards or quality applied by the Ministry of Health.

The Bona Mitra Keluarga application is ready to be your online health partner to get doctor bookings, Covid-19 tests and trusted laboratories in the City and Regency of Bandung.

Phone : 022 - 87305608 / 022 - 85948120
Whatsapp : 08112360168 / 08112170168
Email :
Instagram : @bonamitrafamily
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