Bog & Idé APP
Book & Idea's audiobook subscription gives you lots of good reading experiences for just DKK 89 a month. You can listen indefinitely to all the books in the audiobook range through the app, and you get a free trial period of 14 days.
In addition to streaming audiobooks, you can also shop in our large selection of books, board games, toys and much more. You thus get the entire Book & Ideas range at your fingertips in our shop universe and easily find what you need, no matter if it is for gifts or for yourself.
In the app you also have access to your member profile. As a member of the club you get many good benefits. We can mention, among other things:
- Free shipping to parcel shop
- Return deposit on bestsellers
- 90-day satisfaction guarantee on children's and young people's books
- Special club offers for members only
With the Book & Ideas app, you can get Denmark's largest bookstore in your pocket and always have quick and easy access to our large assortment and to your next big reading experience. The app can be used both when you need a good audiobook on the go and when you prefer to immerse yourself in a physical book.
Download the app now and get instant access to the shop and your member profile and start your subscription to open a world of audiobooks for only DKK 89 per month. The subscription is without binding, and you can thus cancel it when it suits you.