BlueDiamond™ Mobile APP
• The BlueDiamond mobile app delivers a smart alternative to plastic badges, offering convenience without compromising security.
• the app is designed to provide a touchless, efficient and effortless credential experience. In addition to the app’s feature-rich capabilities within a LenelS2 access control system
* For more information, please contact your LenelS2 Value Added Reseller.
* The App collects location data to enable the Pathways frequently travelled route feature to function even when the App is closed or not in use.
BLE and write to data storage disclosure: The App use Bluetooth permissions to detect and communicate with nearby BlueDiamond readers. The App use “write to external storage” permission to download and save the BlueDiamond credential certificate which contains device-specific “signatures” required to communicate with the BlueDiamond readers for door access.
WIFI status data usage disclosure: App requires access to Wifi status permission for Google Places SDK which is used to know the exact location, to add it to a Pathway. App also collects Wifi SSID/BSSID for Analytics purposes.
Location data usage disclosure: The App collects location data to enable the Pathways frequently travelled route feature to function even when the App is closed or not in use
*Note: Contact Notification feature has been completely removed from BlueDiamond AppV2.5. None of the contact tracing functionality will be supported going forward from BlueDiamond App v2.5 onwards.
Privacy Notice URL:
End User License Agreement (EULA) URL:
Demo Video for Location, Bluetooth and write to external storage permissions:
Demo Video for WIFI status disclosure in the App: