Bliscy Krewni APP
The application is designed to improve blood donation planning process for donors and ensure that discounts offered by gastronomic establishments can be used.
By using the most important functions of the application:
- Connect to the RCKiK base in Katowice and keep your activity log *
- Schedule blood donation - the application will remind you of the upcoming date of the next donation, and also tell you where the nearest blood donation points are. It will also show convenient travel options
- You will stay up to date with events important for honorary blood donors
- You will visit the Nearby Relatives - you will use the coupons offered by the Nearby Relatives - friends of RCKiK in Katowice who support the blood donation initiative!
* To have access to all functions of the application, registration based on the donor's number is necessary. You can ask for this number at any blood donation center belonging to the Regional Blood Donation and Blood Treatment Center in Katowice.