Blibli Instore APP
Introducing Blibli Instore for Merchants (Seller), a service from Blibli that provides various payment methods for offline stores. With this application, your customers can buy products, make payments online through Blibli Instore, and immediately bring their goods home.
What are the benefits of Blibli Instore for Seller?
- Transactions can be done anywhere and anytime with their respective devices
- Light service fees
- Seller Care Service
What are the benefits of Blibli Instore for customers?
- Light installments of up to 24 months from dozens of partner banks
- 0% installment fee for payments with a 3-month tenor *
- Installment method without a credit card
- Payment systems equipped with 3D secure from VISA and MasterCard guarantee transactions remain safe
- Blibli Rewards Points
*may change at any time
Customers can enjoy a pleasant shopping experience, and you can increase sales.
Just scan, log in, pay, take it home!
Interested in joining as a seller of Blibli Instore? Contact Blibli Seller Care (021) -57977777