Blackguard GAME
Commands are given to Blackguard by swiping screen and pressing
single characters on the keyboard.
Voice recognition is also available on some devices.
See the manual for details.
? The help command (help). Asks for a character
to give help on. If you type a *, it will list all the
commands, otherwise it will explain what the character
you type does.
/ This is the What is that on the screen? command.
A / followed by any character that you see on the level,
will tell you what that character is. For instance, typing
/@ will tell you that the @ symbol represents you,
the player.
f Move forward until you pass something interesting
or run into a wall.
t Throw an object.
z Zap an object with a staff or wand.
D Dip an object in the magic pool.
> If you are standing over the passage down to the next
level, this command means to climb down (down).
< If you have found the Amulet of Yendor, then
you have the ability to climb back up a level, hopefully on
your way out (up).
s Search for traps and secret doors. Examine each space
immediately adjacent to you for the existence of a trap or
secret door. There is a large chance that even if there is
something there, you won't find it so you might have to
search a while before you find something (search [how many]).
. Rest. This is the do nothing command. This is
good for waiting and healing.
i Inventory. List what you are carrying in your pack.
I Selective inventory. Tells you what a single item in
your pack is.
q Quaff. Drink one of the potions you are carrying.
r Read. Read one of the scrolls in your pack.
e Eat food. Take some food out of your pack and eat it.
w Wield a weapon. Take a weapon out of your pack and carry
it. You must be wielding a weapon to use it (except to
throw things). To fire an arrow, you must wield the bow.
You can only wield one weapon at a time.
W Wear armor. Take a piece of armor out of your pack and
put it on. You can only wear one suit of armor at a time.
T Take armor off. You can't remove armor that is cursed.
P Put a ring on your finger. You can only wear two rings
at a time.
R Remove a ring from your finger. Cursed rings are hard
to remove.
d Drop an object. Take something out of your pack and
leave it lying on the floor. Only one object can occupy
each space.
a Reports your encumbrance. The heavier your pack is
weighted down with objects, the less effective you are in
an attack and the more food you'll eat.
c Call an object. You can call an object anything you like.
v Prints the program version number.
S Show scores.
Swipe Move, turn and pick up object.
keyboard icon Toggle soft keyboard.
microphone Voice commands.
object Identify object.
screen Clear prompt/continue.
double tap Bring up level overview.
M Toggle mute.
@ Show identity.
m View manual.
X Become a wizard! (must know password)
Code available at