Explore the Dungeons of Doom as the Blackguard!

Latest Version

Jun 20, 2022
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Blackguard GAME

Explore the Dungeons of Doom as the Blackguard! Blackguard is a first person perspective on a classic dungeon-crawler game. Defeat enemies in a quest for the Amulet of Yendor.

Commands are given to Blackguard by swiping screen and pressing
single characters on the keyboard.

Voice recognition is also available on some devices.
See the manual for details.

? The help command (help). Asks for a character
to give help on. If you type a *, it will list all the
commands, otherwise it will explain what the character
you type does.

/ This is the What is that on the screen? command.
A / followed by any character that you see on the level,
will tell you what that character is. For instance, typing
/@ will tell you that the @ symbol represents you,
the player.

f Move forward until you pass something interesting
or run into a wall.

t Throw an object.

z Zap an object with a staff or wand.

D Dip an object in the magic pool.

> If you are standing over the passage down to the next
level, this command means to climb down (down).

< If you have found the Amulet of Yendor, then
you have the ability to climb back up a level, hopefully on
your way out (up).

s Search for traps and secret doors. Examine each space
immediately adjacent to you for the existence of a trap or
secret door. There is a large chance that even if there is
something there, you won't find it so you might have to
search a while before you find something (search [how many]).

. Rest. This is the do nothing command. This is
good for waiting and healing.

i Inventory. List what you are carrying in your pack.

I Selective inventory. Tells you what a single item in
your pack is.

q Quaff. Drink one of the potions you are carrying.

r Read. Read one of the scrolls in your pack.

e Eat food. Take some food out of your pack and eat it.

w Wield a weapon. Take a weapon out of your pack and carry
it. You must be wielding a weapon to use it (except to
throw things). To fire an arrow, you must wield the bow.
You can only wield one weapon at a time.

W Wear armor. Take a piece of armor out of your pack and
put it on. You can only wear one suit of armor at a time.

T Take armor off. You can't remove armor that is cursed.

P Put a ring on your finger. You can only wear two rings
at a time.

R Remove a ring from your finger. Cursed rings are hard
to remove.

d Drop an object. Take something out of your pack and
leave it lying on the floor. Only one object can occupy
each space.

a Reports your encumbrance. The heavier your pack is
weighted down with objects, the less effective you are in
an attack and the more food you'll eat.

c Call an object. You can call an object anything you like.

v Prints the program version number.

S Show scores.

Swipe Move, turn and pick up object.

keyboard icon Toggle soft keyboard.
microphone Voice commands.
object Identify object.
screen Clear prompt/continue.
double tap Bring up level overview.

M Toggle mute.

@ Show identity.

m View manual.

X Become a wizard! (must know password)

Code available at https://github.com/portegys/blackguard-game
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