Blackboard APP
For Students:
- Stay Informed: Instantly view updates and changes to your courses.
- Real-Time Alerts: Receive notifications for due-dates, announcements, and more.
- Manage Coursework: Easily complete and submit assignments, take tests, and track your progress.
- Check Grades: Access grades for courses, assignments, and tests with just a few taps.
- Plus More: Explore additional features tailored to enhance your educational journey.
For Instructors:
- Efficient Course Management: Upload and organize course materials and assessments effortlessly.
- Timely Notifications: Set up custom alerts such as when submissions are ready for grading, messages from students, and more.
- Streamlined Grading: Grade assignments and provide feedback from your phone or tablet.
- Engage Students: Send course announcements, create and manage discussion threads, and interact with student comments.
- And Beyond: Utilize more tools designed to support your teaching and engagement.
Please Note: The Blackboard App functions in conjunction with your institution’s Blackboard server. Access and features may vary based on your institution's settings and software updates.
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