Bizzi Live APP
certification capability.
Benefits for Learners:
1. Choice of Interests to explore
2. Several levels of quizzing for knowledge retention and certification
3. Download videos & documents to view offline (encrypted & non-shareable).
4. A competitive scoring system and leaderboard.
5. Integrated Chat, SMS & Email platform
6. Option to share documents through WhatsApp, Email, Print, Bluetooth etc
7. Tracks learning mandays for integration with LMS
Additional benefits for Contributors:
1. Go Live within 24 hours with your own content and branding on splash screen.
2. Invite users for a private learning and certification environment.
3. Create Modular Courses with videos & documents.
4. Interact through course-wise chat, monitor, assess & certify.
Our first content partnership with KELP brings to you, rich content in the area of personal finance
to sensitize investors about risk return parameters and help them to make informed investment
decisions. Beginners & Seasoned investors alike can benefit from the numerous courses
covering various topics like Sensex & Nifty performance, Equity & Debt allocation in personal
portfolios, investing based on risk profile, etc
The team at KELP led by Arpit Agarwal, are MF industry experts in India who have launched
1.MF Analytix - including proprietary KELP indices & KELP ratings.
2. Multiple Portfolio simulator tools - to construct & assess mf portfolio performance."