Biz Media is an online cultural and entertainment TV and radio channel

Latest Version

Feb 27, 2025
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Biz Media TV APP

🇺🇿 "BIZ Media" - xorijdagi vatandoshlarimizni O'zbekiston hayotiga oid yangilikdan xabardor qilish, butun dunyodagi o'zbekistonliklar uchun muloqot ko'prigi vazifasini bajarish, xalqimizning o'lmas urf-odatlari, abadiy qadriyatlarini kelgusi avlodga yetkazish, milliy kino va musiqa durdonalari taqdim etish maqsadida faoliyat yurituvchi madaniy-ko'ngilochar onlayn teleradiokanal hisoblanadi.
⚠️ Ilovada pullik obuna bo'lish xizmati mavjud!

🇬🇧 BIZ Media is an online cultural and entertainment TV and radio channel, the purpose of which is to inform our compatriots abroad about the life of Uzbekistan, serve as a bridge of communication for Uzbeks around the world, and pass on the immortal traditions and eternal values ​​of our people to future generations.
⚠️ The app has a paid subscription!

🇬🇧 "BIZ Media" - informs our compatriots abroad about the news of life in Uzbekistan, acts as a bridge of communication for Uzbeks around the world, transmits the immortal traditions and eternal values ​​of our people to future generations, presents national masterpieces of cinema and music. is a cultural and entertainment online television and radio channel.
⚠️ The application has a paid subscription service!
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