Guide to more than 2,300 species of birds in Africa

Latest Version

Sep 12, 2023
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Birds of Africa APP

About this App

A guide to more than 2300 species of birds in Africa.

Birds of Africa was developed as an aid to conservation and is an asset of The African Bird Club. It is a guide to more than 2300 species of birds in 43 countries and in time it will cover all the birds and countries in Africa. This version includes all species in the following countries and islands:

East Africa: Burundi; Kenya; Rwanda; South Sudan; Tanzania; Uganda.

Horn of Africa: Eritrea; Ethiopia.

Southern Africa: Botswana; Eswatini; Lesotho; Malawi; Mozambique; Namibia; South Africa; Zimbabwe.

West Africa: Annobon; Benin; Bioko; Burkina Faso; Cameroon; Cape Verde; Central African Republic; Chad; Equatorial Guinea; Ghana; Guinea; Guinea-Bissau; Ivory Coast; Liberia; Mali; Mauritania; Niger; Nigeria; Principe; Sao Tome; Senegal; Sierra Leone; The Gambia; Togo.

Central Africa: Angola; Congo; DR Congo; Gabon: Zambia.

Regional: checklists have been added to include all the species in East, Southern, West and Cenral Africa respectively.

Key Features:

· FREE for anyone to download anywhere in the world
· Comprehensive and Lite country species lists
· 5000 full-screen, pinch-zoom photos showing male/female/juvenile/non-breeding plumages
· Bird calls for more then 2000 species
· Extensive texts including for the different subspecies
· Range maps in colour show residency, summer and winter visitors and migration in Africa
· Worldwide species' ranges on Google map
· In/out of range indicator and distance (km) to the nearest point of species' range from current position
· GPS recording of personal sightings
· Personal sightings shown on Google maps
· Community sightings from other app users shown on Google maps
· Similar species' options help identification of difficult species
· Back-up and retrieval of personal sightings logged on the Cloud
· Personal checklists displayed as a list or on Google maps
· Species' lists can be viewed in alphabetic or taxonomic sequence
· Vagrants can be highlighted or removed from a checklist
· Species' names available in 10 different languages
· Intuitive operation with Help text if required
· Regular content updates
· Messaging service


Requires access to a good Wifi connection for country downloads.

African Bird Club

The African Bird Club is a UK registered charity dedicated to education, communication and conservation relating to Africa's birds.
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