Birding Via Mic OW APP
You can view the Names of the songs, Xeno-Canto recording number, Genus Species, Red List abbreviation, Region, Sub-Region, and Meta Data in this app.
For Meta Data, in Songs click the menu (3 horizontal dots on the right of the toolbar).
You will need the app Birding Via Mic to play, edit, define, and identify the songs.
To transfer the songs:
1) Install this Birding Via Mic OW app.
2a) Open this Birding Via Mic OW, tap Songs, and verify a list of songs is displayed.
This is required if you want to view the names and/or delete some of the songs so they don’t transfer.
2b) You don't need to view the songs. You do need to see Version: xx, and Files: nn
You should have below the Songs and Help Buttons: Version and Files for example:
Version: 1W.22
Files: 41
3) Back in the Birding Via Mic app, tap the Path button.
4) On the Path screen select Birding Via Mic -- Old World.
5) Tap the "Load Now" button.
6) Click "Songs" and verify the songs have been loaded.
Uninstall the Birding Via Mic OW app to recover memory.
The songs are moved to Birding Via Mic and are no longer here.
To load the songs in this app again. Force this app closed then re-install it from Google Play Store.
To Force an app closed: Settings > Applications > Application Manager > app name > FORCE STOP.
The easiest way to close an app is find it in the "Recent Apps Window" and tap X in the upper right corner.