BioLog APP
The application enables the localisation (via Google maps) and recording of your species observations in structured form, which is possible to be imported into Species Occurrence Database of NCA ( or exported for your own purposes.
BioLog could be used as an small scale filter of official Speceis Occurrence Database, through the Around Me function. Selection of the area brings species records on your screen. This distribution atlas you can easily enrich by your new observations.
Application is available in Czech, English and Russian language.
• Recording of observed species on the spot
• Application does not need internet connection
• Selection of species from the checklist, by typing or by voice recognition
• Adding of photographs or remarks to the record
• Overview of observations in list and on map
• Export of tabular file (csv format)
• Possibility of import of records into Species Occurrence Database of NCA (account needed)
• Registration of recorders into the database (necessary for uploading of the records) at:
• Access into the database in the field through the Around Me, the displayed records could be saved and used off-line