Bingo Life Magazine APP
Printed 5 times a year, Bingo Life has become a reliable forum for those involved in running bingo operations, including owners, directors and the game’s governing bodies. The magazine provides exclusive features on the latest gaming equipment systems and technologies, industry trends and insights into ‘best practices’ for improved revenue generation.
Since its launch in September 2009, the magazine has regularly included informed contributions from industry experts along with features on leading European, North American and global bingo operations. With the editors ensuring that more than 85% of the high quality content in each edition is original, Bingo Life has become the “go-to”resource within the industry.
Bingo Life’s interactive online edition has over 5,000 subscribers World Wide whom have registered for our email alert notifying them that the latest issue is available on the website. Bingo Life is committed to building it’s circulation through proactive promotion and ongoing investment at major conferences and exhibitions.