Bifta is apex body of film industry for asian country & royalty body for Artist
BANSHIWOOD INTERNATIONAL FILMS AND TELEVISION ASSOCIATION (BIFTA) has been incorporated Under section 8 of the companies Act 2013 as non profit organization as well as Registered by indian trade union act 1926 with objective to promotion of arts, Media welfare activities, artist protection,copyright act, artist card, free member ship for workshop , producer card,Director card,Writer card, film subsidy facilities, open film city/Production house in all district in all over india, free workshop for artist, organise Audition, film fare Festival, content registration with copyright,title registration, artist medical facility provide manage and maintain the nature,condition,infrastructure ,peaceful and healthy atmosphere for its member and associates with the Banshiwood films & Television industry in present and future. BIFTA is key of success in film industry for new artist and old artist. If you are artist and you can touch sky in film industry then this platform in suitable for you. BIFTA works in all India in the favour of artist for artist protection.
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