Bibliando APP
With the App Bibliando you can:
• View your reader status
• Request, book or extend a loan
• Save your bibliographies
• Choose your favorite libraries, to highlight the material they have.
• Receive library notifications
• Suggest new purchases to your library
With the Bibliando APP you can search using the keyboard typing or by voice, dictating the title or keywords of the desired document.Searches can also be done by reading the bar code ISBNs by activating the scanner.
Moreover, with the Bibliando App you can:
• View a gallery of new books together with the latest news
• Refine the search using facets (title, author, ...)
• Change the order of the results: from relevance to title or to author or year of publication
... and with the social network functions you can share your favorite books on social media!
Using the navigation menu you can:
• view events and news updated in real time
• consult the libraries list and map with relative information (address, opening times ...)
• read messages addressed to you
• search for digital resources and eBooks
Enjoy reading digital content even on a smartphone or tablet. Enrich your life, download the Bibliando APP!