Bíblia Sagrada Online APP
The main features of our bible app are:
✅ Word of the Day - Daily Prayers, Verse and Motivation. New texts in the morning, afternoon and night;
✅ Religious Assistant - Online Chat to talk about texts from the Bible;
✅ Biblical Enlightener - Knowledge base to clarify biblical passages and verses;
✅ Versions and Translations of the Holy Bible - Get access to your favorite version and several others;
✅ Favorite Verses, Phrases and Images - Keep your sacred texts organized and with easy access;
✅ Full-featured Image Maker - Generate, save, share and make edits to favorite images;
✅ Statistics with God - You track your connection with God and your daily evolution;
✅ Advanced Reading Features - Bookmark, favorite, comment, watch videos, listen to audio and much more;
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➡️ AVE MARIA - Ave Maria Bible
The Ave Maria Bible is a popular Catholic translation into Portuguese, known for its accessible language and explanatory notes, suitable for study and devotion.
➡️ JFA - João Ferreira de Almeida
The JFA Bible (João Ferreira de Almeida) is a classic and respected translation into Portuguese, known for its fidelity to the original text and erudite language.
➡️ ARA - Almeida Revised and Updated
The version of the ARA Bible - Almeida Revised and Updated, is an update of the classic text by João Ferreira de Almeida. Maintains the erudite language, but with lexical and grammatical updates.
➡️ ARC - Almeida Revista e Corrigida
The ARC Bible, or Almeida Revised and Corrected, is a classic translation of the biblical text into Portuguese, based on the version by João Ferreira de Almeida. Maintains formal and traditional language.
➡️ A21 - Biblia Almeida Século 21
The Almeida Século 21 Bible (A21) is a modern translation that seeks to maintain fidelity to the original texts, updating the language for a contemporary audience.
➡️ BLT - Free Bible for Everyone
The "Free Bible for All" (BLT) is a version of the Bible that seeks to present sacred texts in an accessible and understandable way for contemporary audiences, maintaining fidelity to the originals.
➡️ NVT - New Transformative Version
The NVT, or New Transformative Version, is a modern translation of the Bible, aiming for clarity, fidelity to the original texts, and updated language for contemporary audiences.
➡️ VFL - Easy to Read Version
VFL: Simplified Bible, current, clear and accessible language for easy understanding.
➡️ NTLH - New Translation in Today's Language
NTLH: Modern and accessible Bible, with current and understandable language.
➡️ NIV - New International Version
A modern, accessible translation of the Bible, NIV balances contemporary language with textual accuracy.
➡️ NAA - New Almeida Updated
➡️ NBV-P - New Living Bible
➡️ RC60DO - Old Portuguese Spelling Bible
➡️ TB - Brazilian Translation
➡️ ASV - American Standard Version;
➡️ KJV - King James Version;
➡️ NIV11 - New International Version;
➡️ NLT - New Living Translation;
➡️ RVA2015 - Reina Valera Updated;
➡️ LBLA - La Biblia de las Américas;
➡️ NVI - New International Version;
➡️ DHH94PC - Dios Habla Hoy;
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